The candidates below are supported by the Alaska Democratic Party. If you don’t know what district you are in, we have provided district maps for each candidate. The full 2022 Proclamation Map Gallery can be found here.

Rebecca Himschoot
Website / Facebook
House District 2 – Sitka

Andi Story
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House District 3 – Haines

Sara Hannan
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House District 4 – Juneau

David Schaff
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House District 9

Caroline Storm
Website / Facebook/ Twitter / Instagram
House District 10

Walter Featherly
Website / Facebook
House District 11

Rep. Calvin Schrage
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House District 12

Rep. Andy Josephson
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House District 13

Alyse Galvin
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House District 14

Denny Wells
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House District 15

Jennie Armstrong
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House District 16

Rep. Harriet Drummond
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House District 17

Rep. Zack Fields
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House District 17

Lyn Franks
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House District 18

Cliff Groh
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House District 18

Click here for additional information on House District 18!

Genevieve Mina
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House District 19

Andrew Gray
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House District 20

Donna Mears
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House District 21

Theodore Eischeid
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House District 22

Maxine Dibert
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House District 31

Van Lawrence
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House District 32

Rep. Grier Hopkins
Website / Facebook
House District 34

Ashley Carrick
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House District 35