Alaska Democratic Party Regional Organizations

Anchorage Democrats: Developing and implementing activities designed to enhance the interests of the people of Alaska and Democrats representing the Municipality of Anchorage including Eagle River, Indian, Girdwood, and Whittier.

Interior Democrats: A volunteer organization that works to elect Democrats in Interior Alaska. Our region covers Arctic Village, Fort Yukon, Eagle, Chena Hot Springs, Tok, McCarthy, Tanana, Fairbanks, Fox, Ester, North Pole and many more communities.

Mat-Su Democrats: The Mat-Su Democrats are a regional organization sponsoring activities to strengthen the role of the Democratic Party within the boundaries of the Mat-Su Borough, plus the communities of Peters Creek and Chugiak. Their members are served by Representatives of State House Districts 25-30.

Gulf Coast Democrats: The Gulf Coast Democrats are the North Gulf Region Democrats of Alaska who represent Democrats from Kodiak Island, and the Kenai Peninsula.

Tongass Democrats: The Tongass Democrats are a volunteer organization of Democrats in Alaska’s House Districts 3 and 4 / Senate District B. They raise money for Democratic candidates, promote Democratic ideals, and perform services for their surrounding communities.

Alaska Democratic Party Caucuses and Organizations

Alaska Democratic Black Caucus: The Alaska Democratic Black Caucus is the official caucus of the Alaska Democratic Party. Its goal is to identify and elevate the political interests of Black Alaskans; and, identify and cultivate Black candidates for public office.

Alaska Democratic Labor Caucus: Labor Democrats AK serves labor interests in Alaska and is the Labor Caucus of the Alaska Democratic Party.

Alaska Progressive Action Network: The Alaska Progressive Network is a discussion group for Alaskans who lean Democratic and/or Progressive.

Alaska Young Democrats: The Alaska Young Democrats (AKYD) have been the premier political organization for young Alaska progressives since 1949. They are a statewide network promoting Democratic values and principles through the Alaska Democratic Party and community activism.

The Alaska Climate Caucus: This caucus is an official statewide caucus of the Alaska Democratic Party that focuses on understanding the impacts of climate change in Alaska and advocating for solutions to address the climate crisis.

Local Democratic Groups

Abbott Loop Democrats

Vote From Abroad: Provides every US citizen abroad with the information and tools needed to vote. Their online tool makes it simple to fill out and send in the federal form needed to request your ballot every year.