Press Release

Alaska Democratic Party 2024 Draft Delegate Selection Plan Submitted

Alaska Democratic Party 2024 Draft Delegate Selection Plan Submitted

In preparation for the 2024 DNC National Convention, ADP has submitted its 2024 Plan.

April 28, 2023
CONTACT: Shayla Freirich
[email protected]
(907) 531-2086

ANCHORAGE: The Alaska Democratic Party (ADP) has submitted its 2024 Delegate Selection
Plan to the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The plan is available for review at

Alaska has been allocated fourteen pledged delegates and two pledged alternates for the 2024
Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois. Registered Democrat Alaskans are eligible
and encouraged to participate in the delegate selection process. Alaska, joined by Kansas,
Hawai’i, and Wyoming, moved from utilizing a caucus to a Party-run Primary in 2020. Sixteen
allocated pledged delegates and alternates will be allocated (to candidate(s)) per the Party-run
Primary results. Beginning at the Alaska State House district, pledged delegates will be
determined through a tiered process. The Alaska Delegation will be finalized at the Alaska
Democratic Party 2024 State Convention in Juneau, Alaska.

National rules require state party committees to solicit public comment on their plan to select
pledged delegates and alternates to the national convention. Public comment was closed on April
22, 2023.