Veto-Proof Hub

Why We Need A Veto-Proof Majority:

Saving Our Schools

Future generations of Alaskans are failing to meet their fullest potential, and it isn’t their fault. If we want to preserve the future, it’s time for us to take action today.

Combatting Outmigration

As we continue to struggle with the issue of outmigration, we’re losing future state leaders and community members. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Ensuring Community Safety

As poverty and safety continue to define the realities of our communities, we have to do everything we can to create safer, prosperous futures for every person who calls our communities home.

Families & Family Values

Alaska families are struggling and our way of life is at risk. That doesn’t have to be our reality.

Tackling Addiction

Substance misuse disorder is a problem for many Alaska families and one we have to tackle to make us all healthier and happier.

These Folks Shut Down Our Schools

Governor Dunleavy couldn’t do what he does without the support of his Republican cronies. They’ve stood behind him every step of the way as he’s vetoed funding for our schools, shut down proposals for infrastructure investments that our communities need, slashed funds for public safety, and denied us the ability to invest in expanded broadband access to connect Alaska to the world.

These legislators have to go – and we have the power to vote them out.

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What’s Next?

Days Until General:

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What’s On The Line?

Saving Our Schools

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I don’t want to miss Election Day!

What if I want to procrastinate on voting?

Alaska’s Electoral System: Pick One Primary and Ranked Choice Voting in the General Election

Where am I, anyway?

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