These Folks Shut Down Our Schools.

Governor Dunleavy couldn’t do what he does without the support of his Republican cronies. They’ve stood behind him every step of the way as he’s vetoed funding for our schools, shut down proposals for infrastructure investments that our communities need, slashed funds for public safety, and denied us the ability to invest in expanded broadband access to connect Alaska to the world.

These legislators have to go – and we have the power to vote them out.

Meet The Legislators who defunded alaska:

These seven Alaska Republicans stood by Governor Dunleavy’s dangerous agenda of budget vetoes, defunding crucial programs, and shutting down schools across our state. Listed in the order they appear from left to right.

Rep. Stanley Wright has spent his time in office standing by Governor Dunleavy repeatedly as he worked to make our state worse. While Wright voted to override the Governor’s veto for school funding, he has stood by his side for several other decisions that have hurt Alaskans (You know what they say – even a blind bear catches a fish every once in a while). Overall, Wright’s record has been detrimental to the future of Alaska. For example, he passively let a pension bill for teachers die in his committee.

Wright has also voted to restrict women’s rights across Alaska. During the consideration for HB17 – legislation put forth by our very own Rep. Ashley Carrick that aimed to cover 12 months’ supply of birth control – Wright voted in support of anti-choice amendments to the bill. 

He’d rather erode women’s rights across Alaska and defend a far-right Governor than stand up for Alaskans. He also stood by the Governor as public safety funds were slashed from the budget and snow removal activities cut, and he’s supported the Governor’s cuts to permanent education funding in the previous legislative session. Alaskans in East Anchorage deserve better. 

Thankfully, with Ted Eischeid running against him in the upcoming election, we have the chance to elect a representative who will help future generations of Alaskans reach their fullest potential. Ted is working to preserve our basic freedoms and get Alaska schools the vital funding they need. 

Click here to learn how you can support Ted Eischeid’s campaign to defeat Stanley Wright!

Rep. Tom McKay let future generations of Alaskans down when he voted against overriding Governor Dunleavy’s dangerous veto of a bill that would permanently increase funding for public schools in Alaska – schools that have been historically underfunded resulting in crowded classrooms, loss of teachers, and even school closures. Students across his district in Sand Lake, Campbell Lake, and Bayshore saw their future forever changed by that decision and were denied the chance to get the funding they need to support their education. 

Rep. McKay is anti-education and by extension anti-child. Rep. McKay is now running against incumbent Democrat Matt Claman for the State Senate seat representing these communities. Alaskans deserve better. 

Thankfully, with Matt Claman running for state senate again and Denny Wells running for the open State House District 15 seat in the upcoming election, we have the chance to elect a representatives who cares about our schools, our teachers and staff, and our future generations. Alaskans can breathe a sigh of relief knowing that Denny and Matt will stand up for them and get our children what they need to chart their futures.

Click here to learn how you can support Denny Wells for State House!
Click here to learn how you can support Matt Claman against Tom McKay!

Rep. Thomas Baker, who was appointed by the Governor, joined his colleagues in attacking our school system through his defense of Governor Dunleavy’s dangerous BSA increase veto of a bill that would permanently increase funding for public schools in Alaska, schools that have been historically underfunded. By doing so, Baker prevented the expansion of broadband access to rural Alaska schools – including those in his district. He chose to stand by the Governor instead of fighting for future generations of Alaskans. In doing so, he chose to stand in support of overcrowded schools, school closures across the state, and underpaid, overworked educators. Alaskans deserve better. 

Thankfully, with Robyn Burke running against him in the upcoming election, we have the chance to elect a representative who cares about the future of our state. A mother and a School Board Member, Robyn is dedicated to making sure every child in Alaska has the tools to build the future they deserve.

Click here to learn how you can support Robyn Burke’s campaign to defeat Thomas Baker!

Rep. Craig Johnson joined his colleagues in destroying the future of Alaska’s youth when he stood by the Governor as he vetoed a permanent increase in public education funds and vetoed funding for public safety programs and snow removal.

His decision will condemn Alaska youth to school closures, overcrowded classrooms, and underfunded programs for generations to come. Alaskans deserve better.

Do you think that our children deserve a chance at the best possible future? Rep. Kevin McCabe doesn’t.

He stood with Governor Dunleavy when he shut down the BSA increase. In the process, McCabe decided that our children’s future and the future of our state at large aren’t as valuable as his political agenda. When our schools close and our children leave home to sit in overcrowded classrooms day after day, it will be his fault. Alaskans deserve better.

Rep. Julie Coulombe stood with Governor Dunleavy as he vetoed a bill that would permanently increase funding for public schools in Alaska – an increase that would’ve given students and their educators a vital lifeline. Our students shouldn’t have to suffer from underfunded schools and underpaid educators. Coloumbe is a representative focused more on gaining favor with the Governor than bettering our education system. Alaskans deserve better. 

Thankfully, with Walter Featherly running against her in the upcoming election, we have the chance to elect a representative who will finally get our schools the funding, support, and respect they deserve.

Click here to learn how you can support Walter Featherly’s campaign to defeat Julie Coulombe!

Rep. Laddie Shaw let Alaska students down and put the jobs of countless Alaska educators at risk when he stood by Governor Dunleavy’s dangerous veto of a permanent public school funding increase and other community projects in South Anchorage. When Alaska legislators came together to get schools the funding they desperately needed with the BSA increase, Shaw and other Republicans defended Dunleavy’s political agenda. By refusing to vote against him, Shaw let down students, educators, and school staff in his district and our state. Alaskans deserve better. 

Luckily, with Shaw retiring and Hezekiah “Ky” Holland running, we have a chance to elect a representative who will be a pro-education vote in the district. Alaska families can rest easy knowing that we will always have a vote for better funding for our future, whether it be schools, infrastructure, or our basic rights and freedoms.

Click here to learn how you can support Ky Holland’s campaign to replace Laddie Shaw!

Chair Mike Wenstrup approves this communication. P.O. Box 240207, Anchorage, Alaska, 99524. This NOTICE TO VOTERS is required by Alaska law. 

I certify that this literature is not authorized, paid for, or approved by any candidate.

The Dems Are Saving Our Schools!

Future generations of Alaskans are failing to meet their fullest potential, and it isn’t their fault. If we want to preserve the future, it’s time for us to take action today.

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