Families & Family Values

Alaska Families Are Under Attack

Alaska families are struggling and our way of life is at risk. That doesn’t have to be our reality.

What are you willing to do to secure a better future for your family?

Alaska communities are only as strong as our families, and right now working Alaska families are struggling. Between the pressures of ever-increasing costs of living and difficult prospects for the future for many of us, the future is feeling scarier than ever. From food costs to the cost of housing, and beyond, Alaskans are being squeezed more and more as our pay stagnates and our prospects dwindle. It doesn’t have to be this way.

Our families can be uplifted, we just have to take the steps to make it happen. That means:
Alaska Dems are leading the charge to secure the future of our state and improve the lives of every Alaska family. When you look at our efforts compared to those of our Republican colleagues, who day in and day out prioritize their political agendas over our well-being, it’s clear who is working for Alaskans, and who is working against them.

Good Bills

Bad Bills

These Folks Shut down Schools.

Gov Dunleavy vetoes millions of dollars necessary for Alaska communities to thrive. His Republican accomplices can be seen standing behind him smiling as they defund crucial state programs.

At the end of the day, Alaskans have a choice.

Do we let our most vulnerable continue to suffer on our streets and let our communities fall apart, or do we make the investments we need to help get those of us in desperate circumstances on their feet and help us feel like we can be safe in the places we call home?

Alaska Democrats have made their choice –
now we just need you to help us secure the veto-proof majority that we need to get the job done.

We Must Defeat these legislatures to win for Alaska.

Visit the candidate page to learn more about how we can achieve a veto-proof majority!

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What's On The Line?

Saving Our Schools

Combatting Outmigration

Ensuring Community Safety

Families & Family Values

Tackling Addiction

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I don’t want to miss Election Day!

What if I want to procrastinate on voting?

Alaska’s Electoral System: Pick One Primary and Ranked Choice Voting in the General Election

Where am I, anyway?