AKYD Finance Committee
ZoomGoal is to discuss finances for YDA, campaign, Trello. Finance meetings are every fourth Tuesday of the month. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99340454170?pwd=RklXUGo2UWJmTzhxcE1tVURIQjlydz09
Goal is to discuss finances for YDA, campaign, Trello. Finance meetings are every fourth Tuesday of the month. Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/99340454170?pwd=RklXUGo2UWJmTzhxcE1tVURIQjlydz09
*This community event is not hosted by the AK Dems.
*This community event is not hosted by the AK Dems.
*This community event is not hosted by the AK Dems.
*This community event is not hosted by the AK Dems.
*This community event is not hosted by the AK Dems.
*This community event is not hosted by the AK Dems.
*This community event is not hosted by the AK Dems.
*This community event is not hosted by the AK Dems.
*This community event is not hosted by the AK Dems.
*This community event is not hosted by the AK Dems.
*This community event is not hosted by the AK Dems.