Early in-person voting is underway!
Visit IWillVote.com for early voting centers, election day polling location information, and important dates & deadlines for voting in the November 8 General Election! And, of course, you can find a list of exceptional candidates ADP supports on our website.
If you requested an absentee ballot and haven’t yet returned it, here are a few reminders to help get your ballot on the way!
If mail isn’t your thing, you can DROP OFF your voted ballot at any Division of Elections office, an Early or Absentee In-Person Voting Location, or an Election Day Polling Place on or by November 8. Get ‘er done!
If you’re in the Mat-Su, support Democrats running for state House and state Senate like Jim Cooper, and don’t forget to vote in the Mat-Su Borough election also happening on Nov 8th!
While Democrats are focused on the education crisis, the economy, and protecting your right to privacy, Republicans are focused on these things:
Your voice matters! Your vote can make a difference. Vote in every race! Save our schools! Vote!
Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor, Jessica Cook, will be helping us get out the vote in Anchorage on Saturday, November 5, from Noon – 4 PM! There are also volunteer opportunities available in Juneau & Fairbanks!
No door-knocking involved – SIGN UP HERE!

Ranking the governor’s race
On September 20, the Alaska Democratic Party endorsed Les Gara for Alaska Governor and Jessica Cook for Alaska Lieutenant Governor because we are at a time of crisis, and it’s going to take bold leaders focused on the future to get Alaska back on the right path and because Gara-Cook received the highest number of votes from Progressives in the Primary.
We also encouraged voters to rank Walker-Drygas second to increase the chance of unseating Mike Dunleavy, who has repeatedly demonstrated his fealty to Donald Trump and contempt for Alaskans who are not his ‘base.’
A typing mishap over the weekend created a new word that we feel adequately sums up the last four years of Dunleavy’s reign; we’re calling it “Dunleavastation.” May it spread far and wide.
Just for fun: If you want to see one of the biggest callouts of the election cycle, watch Les Gara let Dunleavy have it for skipping another debate. Click here.
Princess Peltola
She’s got the Wookiee vote locked down, but does Rep. Peltola have yours? Ensuring Alaska continues to have a pro-worker, pro-choice voice in the U.S. House of Representatives is critical! Rank Rep. Peltola #1 on your ballots and send her back to Washington, D.C., so she can continue fighting for our rights and way of life!
U.S. Senate candidate, Pat Chesbro, doesn’t have the outside money her opponents have, but she’s run a tremendous campaign, spoken the truth, and championed her Democratic values.
Rep. Peltola’s historic victory showed the country that Democrats can win in Alaska. Imagine if we also had a pro-choice, pro-worker voice in the U.S. Senate! Pat is a lifelong Democrat whose values are not in question. Her opponents are not Democrats or in any way progressive, making the choice in this race clear.
Pat is the #1 vote.
Please note that there are a limited number of tickets available for this event so get them while you can – we expect they’ll go fast!
It’s been a tremendous year. We made history with Rep. Peltola’s win and now, we need to close out strong and see that she wins re-election AND secure even more Democratic victories on November 8! Please do your part and vote on or before Election Day, and better yet, take a friend or family member with you! The future and direction of our state depend on turning out the vote!
To everyone who has supported ADP this cycle, we thank you. We couldn’t do what we do without you.
You can find us on TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
And as always, thank you for doing what you do to make Alaska a little (or a lot) more blue.
Matthew Beck
Communications Director