Party Resolutions

The following resolution was adopted by unanimous consent by the Alaska Democratic Party State Central Committee on November 20, 2023.

Honoring the Life and Legacy of Vic Fischer

The following resolution was adopted by unanimous consent at the Alaska Democratic Party Fall State Central Committee Meeting in Anchorage, Alaska on September 23, 2023.

Rural Outreach Resolution

The following resolutions were adopted by unanimous consent at the Alaska Democratic Party State Convention in Seward, Alaska on May 7, 2022.

Alaskan Tribal Federal Coastal Management Program

Body Camera use for Law Enforcement

Climate Action Resolution

Constitutional Right to Abortion

Defend the Constitution

Student Loan Debt

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For example: 100 Main St NW Apt A

What's On The Line?

Saving Our Schools

Combatting Outmigration

Ensuring Community Safety

Families & Family Values

Tackling Addiction

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Alaska’s Electoral System: Pick One Primary and Ranked Choice Voting in the General Election

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