Press Release

Mary Peltola Celebrates the 89th Anniversary of Social Security

CONTACT: Lindsay Kavanaugh
[email protected]

Today marks the 89th anniversary of Social Security, a vital safety net that has assisted millions of Americans since its inception in 1935. In honor of this important occasion, we reflect on the program’s success and the importance of protecting and expanding it for future generations.

“In my community, we’re all raised to honor our elders,” said Representative Mary Peltola. “In Alaska, Social Security is a timely and critical issue. I don’t understand my colleagues in Washington D.C., or anyone running for office, that is not committed to saving and expanding Social Security.”

Unfortunately, Nick Begich, who is running against incumbent Mary Peltola, made recent remarks comparing Social Security to a “Ponzi scheme,” which have raised concerns for many Alaskans who rely on the program. These comments demonstrate a lack of understanding of the benefits that Social Security provides and raise questions about his commitment to the program’s future. Nancy Dahlstrom, who is also running for the Congressional seat, was recruited to run by DC insiders who want to cut Social Security and Medicare. Dahlstrom says Social Security and Medicare are big programs that need to be on the table.

Social Security plays a crucial role in Alaska, providing essential support to its residents. According to recent data, Social Security benefits help lift thousands of Alaskans out of poverty, with 31,146 individuals benefiting from this assistance. The economic impact of Social Security in Alaska is significant, with annual payments totaling at least $1.7 billion, benefiting various groups such as retirees, their family members, survivors, and individuals receiving disability income.

Additionally, Social Security benefits are a vital component of Alaska’s economy, supporting not only individuals but also contributing to the overall financial well-being of the state. With a considerable number of residents relying on Social Security, its importance cannot be understated in providing financial stability and security for many Alaskans.

“As a co-sponsor of key pieces of Social Security legislation like the, You Earned It, You Keep It Act, the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), and Government Pension Offset (GPO), my commitment to protecting and improving the program is clear,” said Rep. Peltola. “It is imperative that we continue to elect leaders who understand and respect the critical role of Social Security in all of our communities.”

As we celebrate Social Security’s 89th anniversary, let us reflect on its success and renew our commitment to protecting and expanding the program. Social Security plays an essential role in providing retirement benefits, disability benefits, and survivor benefits to millions of Americans, and we must work together to ensure it serves future generations.