Cocktails and Cajun Food With Jennie Armstrong
2213 Douglas Dr 2213 Douglas Dr, Anchorage, AlaskaJoin friends and neighbors for gumbo, red beans, pecan pie, and sazerac (and also to support Jennie Armstrong's candidacy for House District 16)
Join friends and neighbors for gumbo, red beans, pecan pie, and sazerac (and also to support Jennie Armstrong's candidacy for House District 16)
While we planned to celebrate our victory in Bethel before going to D.C., our current priority is to be with friends and family to support the ongoing search and rescue. While we’re there, we’ll also be gathering with some community members. Please join us if you can.
This month, and just prior to the local elections, we’re pleased to present a forum, via Zoom, with our municipal candidates for Fairbanks North Star Borough Assembly, School Board and Fairbanks Mayor and City Council.
Join us for a gathering next Friday at the Campaign headquarters! It will be held Sept. 9th from 5:30pm to 7:30pm at 510 Noble Street. Refreshments will be provided.
Join David at the O'Malley Steamdot and then head out for door-knocking!