Join the Mat-Su Dems as they invite all "Lefters" to our monthly meetings. You don't have to be a Democrat or live in the Mat-Su! This month will be a hybrid – in-person and Zoom. If you want to participate in person, just 415 S Bailey St, Palmer. If you want to join by Zoom […]
Join us for our next meeting 5-6 pm, Monday, Dec. 4, via zoom: ID: 875 4817 4562Passcode: climateOne tap mobile: +16469313860,,87548174562#,,,,*4785366# USAgenda:IntroductionsFifth National Climate Assessment – AlaskaAny other businessAnnouncementsAdjournCheck out the recently-published Fifth National Climate Assessment, Alaska Chapter, which has a lot of relevant information documenting climate impacts in Alaska.
Catch up with Representative Gray every second Thursday over Zoom! Join us on Zoom here:
Join the Interior Democrats for our monthly meeting! The Interior Democrats are currently meeting online. Monthly Business Meetings: This meeting is an update on committee work, upcoming events, finances and the business matters of the organization.